Karlsen Info Systems

[ Web development ]

Custom–built full–stack solutions

I recommend building a custom solution if you need more than a trivial website.

This can be tailored to fit precisely what your business needs, and can grow and change with you as your business develops without turning into a patchwork of third–party plugins and hard–to–maintain code.

Design and architecture are not hampered by decisions made by a vendor.


Benefits of fully custom solutions

  • Tailored to meet your specific needs
  • Functionality that fits your business
  • Freely choose design and architecture



  • Easy editing?
  • User & group management?
  • Document management?

I can help find the right CMS solution for your needs.

There's a jungle of them out there, and they pack different features, and are appropriate for different use–cases.


Laravel is my go–to framework for new projects.

  • CRUD: Create/Read/Update/Delete operations done right
  • MVC: Model/View/Controller structure
  • ORM: Object-relational mapping for logical data-handling
  • Blade: A templating engine
  • Background jobs: A queue system for scheduling tasks

Kohana → Koseven

Kohana was discontinued several years ago, but there are still many sites out there that are powered by Kohana.

Thankfully, the Koseven team picked it up and is maintaining a fork to work on modern versions of PHP.

However, migrating to Koseven is not always an easy path to take. I can help migrate from any version of Kohana to a current Koseven version.

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